The writing is on the wall...
we are in a state of crisis!
we are in a state of crisis!

The reduction of our protectors (the Armed Forces) has made us venerable from terror attacks both at home and abroad. While, law enforcement (the Police) have been cut and crime rises at every government welfare cut.Law and Order
As crime rises, both businesses and individual property come under attack by the disenfranchised. Bullying goes cyber; global. We find no respite from the criminal fraternity. Even personal computers, laptops, mobile phones and individual data storage are at risk from hacking and malware.
As the free-market sets the conditions, politics moves further to the right. Adam Smith's laissez faire policies capitalise even leftwing policies. Even anti-capitalist Labour (of the 1970s) has moved into centre-left position. The people of the UK no longer have a old-style-socialistic left political party to fight for the workers against capitalism.Politics
The free-market is supposed to stabilise market forces, provide a strong economy, and help business compete against big business. However, the weak fall by the wayside, due to mass buying and price-setting by conglomerates. High street retailers cannot compete with internet retailers, so shops are emptying.Capitalism
With welfare cuts across the board; everything from Tax Credit cuts (for couples working less hours than 24hrs a week), to Housing Benefitcuts (for the under 25s), and unemployment rising under a tide of reforms.Welfare State
With the rise in graduates having to take jobs in cleaning and fast-food restaurants, Diplomas are becoming not worth the paper they're printed on. When the system is fixed (to 'C' exam-papers, 'B' exam-papers, and 'A' exam-papers) where a certain grade is set by the paper sat, and not by merit alone; students are learning less and being dumbed-down to exam-paper facts only.Education
A large part of the workforce are underemployed for their skill-level, and education. With most jobs currently being in part-time employment only, full-time employment has become a rarity. Unemployment is currently running high because employers are not employing right now.Employment
From the boom-bust politics of the 1970 to the bust-bust politics of the 21st century, the economy has dwindled over the past five years. Even though the pundits claim that the economy is on an upward spiral, employers are not being bullish towards creating employment positions.Economy
The disenfranchised, disenchanted, the disabled, and the despondent are all being crushed by the current economic climate.Under these conditions...
Evolution of social, political, educational and economic standards; a revolution of social change is in the air. Which will sweep though the UK like a breath of fresh air. And the people will be at the heart of it...
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