The initial decision...
Two weeks before my 47th Birthday I decided I'd like to be an MP. But things are not always as they seem...
Is politics on the decline?
In 1945 72.8% of the electorate voted in the General Election - by 2001 that had dropped to just 59.4% - but in the last General Election, of 2010, only 65.1% of electorate bothered to turn out. (Figures from Turnout45.htm and exclude votes deliberately or accidentally spoiled.)
UK Political Info (2012)
Image: ukpolitical info
This general decline in political interest is caused by an apathy in the general electorate of the United Kingdom. The reason is, people are not engaging with political parties any longer. As the Guardian warned in a recent article (of 06/07/2012) British Democracy is in "long-term terminal decline... and disillusioned citizens [have] stop[ped] voting". We feel let down by the sleaze and the lies and want (even expect) more...
A state of mind can't easily be changed
As I said, things are not always as they seem. We all say "I'm too old to change now" or "its too late for me". But it isn't, you know. While ever your alive, it's never too late!
So I made a decision to change things!
The thing is, I'm a punk. I may have blue hair, but I'm no young Conservative. I'm a working man, but Labour isn't my colours either. I'm a socialist and democrat, but I'm no Liberal Democrat. Neither the Greens nor UKIP appeal, and the fanatics (BNP, SNP, etc) don't interest me in the slightest.
So what's a punk supposed to do?
Taking a stand
At first, it was one of those throw-away ideas. You know, the sort that we have from time to time; when we think "Ooh, that seems like a good idea". And that's usually as far as it goes. We make a random decision to do something, that disappears just as quickly as it comes.
But it didn't go. It lingered on, and on, and on.
By morning, the 10th of September 2012, it was clear in my mind - a need, an urge, a must...
When, if not now?
It had to be now ... or never!
So I sat down and decided to form my own party: the (British) Social Media Party was born.
But who sets off on a journey without first deciding where they are going to end up? I had one place in mind, and that was Westminster. I decided I'd become A Punk in Parliament.
Project Get Elected
As I set off down this road to Westminster I decided to document my life experiences here and on several of my blogs:
Project Get Elected is an integral part of that process. If not my actual road map, it shall become my compass - pointing me in the right direction.