Monday, June 22, 2015

5 Steps To Global Government

The current climate of Austerity makes the overwhelming need for a Global Government even more drastic then it ever has. I hate the fact that good people are being harassed and harangued by nation-states that insist its for our own good. This is clearly wrong.

The published goals of the World Aliance Party is global government, a global bank and a one world order where all lives are equal. This might be a tall order, but so was democracy.

There are 5 steps in achieving our first goal: A Global Government. And I'm going to let you into a little secret... They're achievable in our life times.

Saturday, June 06, 2015

The Future Is Yours

As a youth I was probably the most arrogant person you could meet.

I was a Conservative in the 80s (not a card-carrying-one I might add), but I believed the guff that Saint Margaret T proclaimed with all the relish and zest of a Young Tory Entrepreneur.

I believed the stuff about the unions trying to run the country (via Labour), and I even accepted the stuff about the Conservatives having the answers to the economy problems of the 80s.

My love affair with Tory politics came to ahead in the 90s when I woke up to the mess they had left behind them. And with the revelation of my own naivety, I lost faith in the Tory party totally. I underwent a change; doing a 180 degree turnabout from what I used to be.

I’m better now - lol

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

The Struggle is Real

The Struggle Is Real

In a former life I was Conservative voter. (I know shame on me.) Now, that seems very unlikely, but it was the 80's ('greed is good') mentality.

However, my former-self has an annoying habit of popping up at the most inappropriate moments. Often when I'm feeling old and cranky. As a nearly 50-year-old, I seem to get more and more of them.

My latest annoyance is all these austerity cuts:

Breadline Britain: Photo credits Orb Dark

Do those in power believe Breadline Britain is a thing of the past? Do we not have food banks in all British cities these days? Have they learned so little in the last few months, of their vote-winning spree, about the average electorate?

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