Double-Dip Recession -
Britain's Not Working
Britain's Not Working
This morning (12/08/12) SkyNews headlines
MP Hosts World Hunger Summit.While the Mail Online runs the headline:
"David Cameron is to host a summit aimed at tackling world hunger in the years before the next Olympic Games in Brazil."
Children as young as 8 are lending money to their parents as they worry about family finances
.: A Child's Perspective on World Hunger :.
(Feeding Starving Children)
From these two headlines you can see things are clearly not working in Britain.(Feeding Starving Children)
When young children are having to bailout cash-strapped parents with their pocket money (Mail Online) Britain has hit an all-time low! (The piece goes on to explain that 85% of eight to fifteen-year-olds claim to be worried about their family's finances.) While the MP is lost in the Olympic headlights (SkyNews) of closing the Games. Things are definitely not good!
When thing at home are so bad that Boris Johnson (Reuters UK article) looks like a contender to the MPs job - due to all the positive press coverage since the opening ceremony.
"In the UK-wide survey conducted for Ladbrokes bookmakers, 71 percent of respondents said they would like him to become premier."(It feels a bit like Cameron is being sidelined by the Major's aggressive media campaign. He appears concerned that Boris is getting too many Olympic headlines - which puts Johnson foot in Number Ten's door - more than any other Tory politician.) I'm certainly asking, Has Cameron lost the plot?
Reuters UK article
Homeland Britain is sufferings: We spent a wealth on the Games, so the world thinks we're not a Third World Country - when we clearly are. And although they were more than impressive as far as Start (opening ceremony), Games (massive Gold haul), and End (closing ceremony - that is said to be a match for the opening extravaganza) we have a country on the edge of poverty.
"PM pledges millions for Team GB at Rio"says Independent article. (They go on to quote he's pledging lottery money to team GB - which could have been targeted at underprivileged children at home.) We all are proud of our team, but when millions of British taxpayers are funding waste and avarice (Banking Crisis), there has to be a time to say woah... And this is that time.
It was only back in May that The Sun Headlined with:
Charity launched to help feed starving UK kidsHave the the starving children in Britain all been fed in the last few months? I think not! And yet we are spending millions on sports while our children starve. It these Games so important for Britain, that children have to suffer?
"A CHARITY has launched the first-ever appeal to feed starving children – in the UK."
I declare! Please Mr Cameron, stop wasting funds on making the country look good!
What is the point of a great shop window if the shelves are empty inside?
I ask you, is this right?

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