Thursday, March 21, 2013

Who's Afraid of A World Government?

"...not so long ago the idea of world government had greater influence in the United States. Amid the enormous destruction unleashed by World Wars I and II, American Presidents successfully championed the establishment of the League of Nations and, later, the United Nations as instruments to curb the narrow nationalism that traditionally had led to war."

A Modern Utopia by H.G. Wells
A Modern Utopia by H.G. Wells
Given the obvious failures of mainstream political figures and the weakness of the United Nations at present, the whole 'One World Government' thing seems decades away. Still, people seem scared by the entire concept.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

(Brit) SocialMedia: Alliance of Labour, UKIP and Occupy Members Attempt to Reform City of London

"Ahead of elections this month to the City of London Corporation, an unlikely political alliance is pressing for radical reform and greater accountability from an institution where many ancient traditions continue to hold sway"

Saturday, February 09, 2013

(Brit) SocialMedia: Brussels plot

SHAMEFUL MEPs are already plotting to torpedo the historic EU budget cut.

The Euro politicians want a secret ballot on the issue so they can vote for a rise anonymously and escape their national leaders’ fury.

Tories warned the sinister plot, unveiled yesterday by the MEPs’ German president Martin Schulz, would “almost certainly” succeed...

Friday, February 08, 2013

History of Global Banking Crisis

Global Banking Crisis, 

A Brief History...

The current global banking crisis began with an escalation in foreclosure rates among homeowners during 2006–2007, leading to a critical juncture in August 2008.

The way that the nation's mortgage markets are structured mean that a decline in the housing market hits other things: home builders, real estate, home supply, retail outlets, money markets, hedge funds (held by large institutional investors), and foreign banks. All of which increase the risk of a nationwide recession.

By 2007-2008 we were in the worst financial emergency since 1930s Great Depression. Large fiscal institutions were threatened by financial breakdown; then bailed out by national governments. Causing a downturn in the world's stock markets.

The backwash resulted in troubles in the housing market - leading to foreclosures and evictions - with lengthened and increased unemployment.

"The crisis played a significant role in the failure of key businesses, declines in consumer wealth estimated in trillions of US dollars, and a downturn in economic activity leading to the 2008–2012 global recession and contributing to the European sovereign-debt crisis."

downturn graph

The global credit crisis nearly destroyed the world's banking systems.

"Could the current financial crisis have been predicted from historians knowledge of past down turns and depressions globally?

Dr David Chambers, University Lecturer in Finance and Deputy Director of the School’s Master of Finance programme, thinks so.

An analysis of what happened in the crash of the 1930s may prove a good way to predict how long it may take us to get out of the current financial difficulties.

Structural problems, Dr Chambers says, need to be faced up to before a recovery is likely, and there could well be a few false dawns along that road to recovery.

Lessons From History by Dr David Chambers

(Brit) SocialMedia: 'U-turn' over scrapping of GCSEs

Planned switch from GCSEs to Baccalaureate in England 'abandoned'

Plans to scrap GCSEs in key subjects in England and replace them with English Baccalaureate Certificates are being abandoned by the government.

The reversal was announced by the education secretary in the Commons, alongside curriculum changes.

Michael Gove said plans for the new exams had been
"a bridge too far".

Monday, January 21, 2013

A Reinvention of British Politics

« Reblogged from: ProjectGetElected »

All I see around me is heartache and pain. Idiots and morons.

Does anyone care?

When I was a lad we cared. We cared about music and girls... we cared about politics and fashion... we cared about life and death... we cared about freedom and justice... we simply cared.

There was a reason why we cared; we had a pride in our nation. We had pride because this was a great nation. Great Britain. Not because we ruled other countries (which Britain was infamous for in the past), but because British citizens were outstanding. We had great politicians, great painters, great photographers, great designers, great entrepreneurs, great industrialists, a great banking system, and a great respect for the monarchy.

Today... No one cares.

We don't care about the environment. (At least, most of us don't.) There are a few overbearing pop stars (like Sting) that bleat on about saving the planet while schlepping from continent to continent in their own private jets (using fossil fuel and emitting CO2 gasses like mad). Other than these wannabees, no one 'really' cares.

We don't care about our over-populated world. We have children younger, and live longer. Teen can't spell condoms (let alone use them). We have the likes of Jeremy Kyle blaring on about sticking 'something on the end of it' and making a living from talking to these horny juveniles - as though they care; they don't. Neither do we. (What's it matter to the average Britain if some snotty-nosed brat is the father, or the other five possibles? I ask you, do you care? Really?)

We don't care about education. The sodding degenerates that pretend to be students don't really care about education either. (They just want to drink cheep larger and loaf about, saying pretentious crap like 'in my opinion' - then quoting some facile entry in an outdated tome, they haven't even bothered to read properly. "In my opinion, Einstein got it right when he said, Go Go!" All Bollocks. Total crap.) They don't have the experience to have an opinion; what does someone know that's just got out of nappies? (Bugger all.)

We don't even care about politics either. (Or the country wouldn't have voted in a load of Tory twits and wet wallies from the Lib Dems. Nick Clegg promised to be better than he's being, and the country swallowed it! If we were fishes we'd be wrapped in paper and smothered in salt and vinegar.

This was once a great nation.

Now we're a third-world nation, with too many children living in poverty and squalor. Half the country's unemployed, most of the rest's under-employed and under-paid.

What's this world coming too?

With all this, its not surprising that Britain is no longer 'Great'. Most people don’t care. Britain isn't a place of tolerance and pluralism, its a hive of prejudice from the head to its underbelly.

The problem is … I care!

I care about human rights, and civil liberties. I care about freedom of speech and the political climate. I care about education and child poverty. I care about immigration, intolerance and prejudice. I care about the unemployed, the unemployable and the under-paid under-employed. I care about businesses, finance, banks and bankruptcy. I even care about British and European politics, and political lies and deception. I care enough to want to change things …

A reinvention of British politics.

It has become time for a reinvention of British politics; a reform of Parliament. I am not a defender of the status quo. Neither am I a rebel, just for the sake of it. (Even though I'm a punk, I'm a Parliamentarian at heart.) The present structure and formation of Parliament is an obstacle to the reform of that Parliament, and its government.

As Nick Clegg stated at the 2009 Lib Dem party conference (in Bournemouth) the "choice before people is the choice between fake, phoney change from David Cameron's Conservatives, and real change..." (He then offered the Lib Dems as that change; but, as hindsight has proved, they are more of the same.) So now it is time for a change - every nook and cranny of the British political system must be reformed.

"I will build a reputation for being honest and straightforward. I am a socialist by upbringing, a mediator by instinct and a realist by temperament."
(British) Social Media Party

The (British) Social Media Party are the true "progressives" in UK politics.

It's time for the people to retake power. We don't want change, we demand it!

This is Project Get Elected. Put A Punk in Parliament and change British politics forever...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

(Brit) SocialMedia: MoD Overspends Equipment Budget By £6.5bn

The Ministry of Defence has overspent its equipment budget by £6.5bn and some of its major orders are likely to be delivered 39 years late.

The 16 most costly projects should have taken 159 years to deliver between them and cost a total of £56.5bn ... But the National Audit Office (NAO), in its latest report into the MoD's spending, reveals they are now set to take a total of 195 years and cost £61.1bn.

This is typical of how British Government spends. Leaving a deficit which the poorest in society have to fund through benefit cuts.

The Olympics was a drain on resources and now the MoD overspend resources. Leaving us cash-strapped Britain.

Still proud to be British??

See also: « Why The Nuclear Deterrent Has Had Its Day »

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BuzzBoost:. The Writing's On The Wall