What's World Government Anyway?
I intend to share what I've read about world/ global government, what I've learn on the subject, and what I believe one should be.
I'll also show how having just one government would change everything for humanity.
Firstly, What Is A Global Government?
Currently, we don't have anything like a global or world government:
"'World government' refers to the idea of all humankind united under one common political authority."
To put it in a nutshell. Its the globalisation of politics ~ without borders.
Wikipedia World Government has this to say: "Currently there is no worldwide military, executive, legislature, judiciary, or constitution with jurisdiction over the entire planet."
That slightly changes things, doesn't it! A body with jurisdiction over an entire planet?
Wouldn't World Government Be The Global Police?
Some believe so. There are many conspiracy theories connected to the globalization of government. All stating similar stuff:
"The common theme in conspiracy theories ... is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government ..."
- NWO Conspiracies @ Wikipedia.com
Besides, isn't that the job of the U.N. ~ to police the world?
Why The U.N. Isn't A Blueprint For Global Government
Some people believe that the United Nations would a blueprint. (In 1945 many saw the U.N. as the basis for a global government. But the Cold War changed thinking.)
"The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945 after the Second World War by 51 countries committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights."
~UN at a Glance @ United Nations website
"The United Nations," Wikipedia's World Government page adds, "is limited to a mostly advisory role, and its stated purpose is to foster cooperation between existing national governments rather than exert authority over them."
Does that rules out the United Nations then? To my mind, the U.N. doesn't even come close. Peacekeeping, obviously, but not with any real 'teeth'. They don't, currently, have the strength or agenda to be the foundations of a world government.
So, if not the U.N., then what?
Global Government Doesn't Necessarily Mean Authoritarian Rule
Some people believe a geopolitics and global government is just a route to an authoritarian rule by the powerful elite. (1984's Big Brother in stealth mode?)
Get real. There are so many conspiracies relating to the New World Order that these people would have to live to a thousand years each to achieve even half what they are rumoured to have put into place.
Over the past thousands of years, the 'powerful elite' have not been close to making a centralized governing body ~ not even with all the so called theories that conspiracy nuts can dream up. (That, alone, kind-of, invalidates almost all the theories abound.)
Does That Mean There Won't Be A Single World Government?
Of course not. The world is slowly moving towards centralization. It's as inevitable as world peace. Like everything else, the centralising of government makes perfect sense in an ideal world...
"It is obvious that no difficulty in the way of world government can match the danger of a world without it."
That's a daunting damnation of a future peace; if it has no foundation without globalization.
But, Who Would Want It?
Since the Roman and Plato, great thinkers have dreamt of geopolitics (and a one world government). After WW2, in 1945, for a brief blip these thoughts rose again, before being blighted by the arrival of the Cold War.
The Renaissance in geopolitics came about in 1999 during the World Trade Organization protests, when it became obvious that geopolitics was back on the global agenda. This time it never went away. With some pundits believing that the EU was a 'small global government' (or at least, the precursor to one).
With the current economic crisis and political instability rife, there has never been a better (more conducive) time to engage in congress about a united world.
Does Anyone Really Know What To Expect?
It's difficult to say with any clarity. But the obvious precepts for globalized government and its endeavors have to be manifested as:
- To pursue global integration by addressing issues of poverty, inequality and global injustice
- To met basic needs of moral obligations of the masses — nourishing food, adequate shelter, and good health care
- To assume strong duties of justice to all in the human community
- To promote the rights/ protection of the worlds population from the machinations of social and political struggle by 'sovereign nations'
- To create mutually observed rules and binding global laws
- To push democracy above and beyond national boundaries
- To remove boundary lines drawn around national communities
- To set the rules of international trade for most of the world’s countries
- To pass fair judgments on terms of co-operation and contribution between 'sovereign states'
- To avoid a perpetual state the brink of am world and/or civil war
- To create a 'union of mutual restraint' to help prevent/tackle global/financial anarchy
- To confront issues such as climate change
Anything less would be to lose credibility as a humanitarian push for positive change in the world.
When Could Global Government Come Into Fruition?
There are some that believe it can never be achieved. While others give distances from 200 to 800 years in the future.
However, there has to be a way to move things a head at a quicker pace.
How, Then, Can We Achieve This In Our Lifetimes?
This is the question. To achieved the improbable (note, not the impossible, as some may think) we need the world to stop squabbling and come together in a common accord. If this isn't against terrorism, it would undoubtedly be induced by a global disaster.
But must we wait for millions or even billions to die in some freak accident of nature, or at the hands of clumsy or vindictive individuals? Shouldn't common sense dictate better than fate?
If the world needs anything, it needs stability. And a world government would provide both global stability and world peace.
In Conclusion:
Even though we don't have any foundations in place for a global or world government ~with a worldwide military, executive, legislature, judiciary, or constitution for a jurisdiction over the entire planet~ it is coming, some day. And again, it is unlikely to be formed off the back of the U.N. or E.U.
- Whatever the conspiracy theorists might rumour, there is no current move to "an authoritarian world government." However, to insure that this is not the route to an authoritarian rule by the powerful elite. Humanity as a whole needs to back a move towards centralization of power, with precepts in place to unify the globe and bring about peace on a world scale.
- To paraphrase the words of Albert Einstein: Create one world, or face the prospect of having no world at all. He is not the only great thinker to promote geopolitics, to raise it to the forefront of a global agenda.
- The moral obligations of the 'haves' to the 'have-nots' has never been stronger. In a world of financial mayhem (where profit margins overrule humanitarianism), there appears to be a desperation for congress into issues of poverty, inequality and the matters of global injustice.
- Plans to counter injustice and deprivation cannot be left to fate or the distant future. (Global disaster will be the future toll, if not.)
- To achieved this Leviathan, we must forge through the birth-pangs towards a realisation of global accord. The whole world needs stability.
- World War 2 was the war to end all wars, but where is the peace it guaranteed? Do we have to have a Third World War to guarantee world peace?
Thank you for your time and your patience, here's hoping this article has had an impact on your thinking. But here's something extra to take away, just in case: The world must have a central governmental body to provide both global stability and world peace. Everything else has be global roulette with the livers of billions.
Thank you.
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Thanks for the comment, I'll leave proper reply soon. Thanks again CybaPunk65 for WAP