Saturday, September 12, 2015

Welcome to Punk Politics

~Punk Politics~

Anarchy IS "regarded as a political ideal." (Google definition)

"Anarchy is the condition of a society, entity, group of people or a single person which does not recognize authority. It originally meant leaderlessness, but in 1840, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon adopted the term in his treatise What Is Property? to refer to a new political philosophy, anarchism, which advocates stateless societies based on voluntary associations."

We believe anarchy and government go together nicely. As long as you are happy to have anarchistic views, and implement them through self-governance.

I believe in punk politics (and us punks pretty much own anarchy lol). And in my school of thought anarchistic government is achievable.

One world, one vote.

~World Alliance Party~

Government, traditionally is a bunch of over-uneducated toffs who implement laws and policies that help the rich by robbing the poor. (Even the Labour-run governments bowed before capitalism.)

I see a government of ordinary citizens. Running a country for the good of its people, not the good of the rich and bankers. With no official head of state, but a board of members with equal say.

A constitutional republic. With no monarch and no peers. (That includes the House of Lords.)

If it happens across the world it would help. But it could domino from country to country (hopefully starting right here in Britain with the World Alliance Party).

~The Struggle for Power~

Just because its never been done before, doesn't mean it can't be.

Punk Politics of the masses can work. Iceland did a similar thing. (Guardian Lessons from Iceland.)

~The People's Assembly~

A government of the people is a voluntary association. If you would rather, call it an assembly, instead of a government.

When the people call the shots, the Rich have to listen.

We believe that Government should pay, not the people. Currently government gets it money from stealing it, sorry taxing the people. But instead tax those with money (the rich, 1%) to help those with a lot less money (the poor, 99%).

Free can mean free, if the people aren't paying for it; but the state is.

The funding of renationalised industries and the removal of funding for defence will make funding for hospitals and medical research much more possible.

I'm simply stating that our policies are to house and feed EVERYONE. Don't you agree with housing everyone for free? Or free distribution of food to the masses? How about free medical care, glasses, dentistry, hospitals, etc?

In the end, the people will decide!

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Thanks for the comment, I'll leave proper reply soon. Thanks again CybaPunk65 for WAP

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